The SA Agulhas II departs for Antarctica from Cape Town for 2023 expedition

The SA Agulhas II departed for Antarctica from Cape Town for 2023 expedition

The SA Agulhas II departed for Antarctica from Cape Town for 2023 expedition, delivering equipment, supplies and fuel.

The SANAE base in Antarctica was built on a flat-topped nunatak called Vesleskarvet. A nunatak is a rock peak protruding from an ice sheet's surface.

The SANAE base in Antarctica was built on a flat-topped nunatak called Vesleskarvet. A nunatak is a rock peak protruding from an ice sheet's surface.

The SANAE base in Antarctica was built on a flat-topped nunatak called Vesleskarvet. The base is raised on stilts allowing snow to blow under it. It has inspired other base designs in Antarctica.

DFFE Top Predators Team participating in SANAE 62. The Emperor Penguin is positioned comfortably on a researcher's lap for blood and feather collection

The Emperor Penguin is positioned comfortably on a researcher's lap for blood and feather collection. After handling each bird, the researchers take a picture to prove that it was alive & well after their operation has ceased.

Chinstrap Penguin uses icebergs of all sizes as roosting stops that provide opportunities for socialising, grooming & resting. The SA Agulhas II sailed past this berg giving researchers a photo opportunity.

South Polar Skua birds attend penguin colonies for the remains of the failed breeding attempts. They were seen constantly flying over the colony at Akta Bukta

Researchers are deploying satellite-linked position transmitting instruments to better understand their movement in these waters.