Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment announces the Re-Opening of the Online Application System for the Fishing Rights Allocation.
29 December 2021
The Delegated Authority has announced the re-opening of the Online Application System for the Fishing Rights Allocation Process (FRAP) for registered users and current applicants only.
.The reopening of the system does not apply to new applicants.
The online application system re-opened yesterday, 28 December 2021, and will close at midnight on 28 January 2022. Applications received after the closing date and time will not be considered.
The re-opening of the system was due to challenges experienced with the new FRAP Online Application System and potential applicants encountering various technical issues between 22 November and 7 December 2021 whilst attempting to complete and submit their applications electronically.
By re-opening the FRAP Online System all registered users and current applicants are granted a further opportunity to resubmit their applications and/or to update their current applications with required outstanding information and/or supporting documents.
The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment attributes the need to re-open the FRAP Online System to users not fully understanding the requirements of the new System, which is a shift away from the manual physical applications done in previous years. Therefore, all registered users and current applicants must ensure that their applications comply with all the Exclusionary criteria, including, but not limited to, ensuring compliance with the information and criteria that was either defective or incomplete.
As a result of the re-opening of the System, decisions on applications in fishing sectors where the fishing season commences during January and/or February, will not be made before the commencement of those fishing seasons. An exemption will, therefore, be granted to all current existing exemption holders to continue fishing pending the finalisation of FRAP2021. Exemption holders will not be required to re-apply for permits, but will be allowed to continue fishing on their existing permits during the exemption period.
It is expected that decisions on applications will be announced by 28 February 2022.
Registered applicants that require assistance with the lodging and/or completion of their application form, may visit one of the decentralised venues which will be available from 17 to 28 January 2022, with the exception of Howick, and Mzamba, Port Edward venues which will only be available from 24 until 28 January 2022.
Applicants can access the online electronic system at using their registered passwords.
For further media enquiries contact:
Mr. Albi Modise – 083 490 2871
The transformation of the South African fishing industry is a constitutional and legislative imperative. The legal instrument that promotes the transformation of the South African fishing industry is the Marine Living Resources Act, (MLRA). The transformation of the fishing industry is achieved through the Fishing Rights Allocation Process (FRAP) and the management of commercial fishing rights.
In 2005/2006, long-term commercial fishing rights were allocated in terms of the Marine Living Resources Act in 22 commercial fisheries sectors for periods ranging from 8, 10 and 15 years. Rights that were allocated for eight years expired in eight of the fishing sectors on 31 December 2013. On 30 December 2013, the Department re-allocated long-term commercial fishing rights in all eight fishing sectors in which rights were expiring for a new period of 8 years. These were to expire on or before 31 December 2020. Rights that were allocated for a period of 10 years expired in 10 of the fishing sectors at various times during 2015. The Department finalised the allocation of fishing rights in nine out of the 10 commercial sectors where rights expired at various times during 2015 (excluding abalone, which was not finalised). These rights were allocated for a period of 15 years and are therefore part of the 2020 allocation process. Commercial rights also expired on 31 December 2020 in four sectors allocated in 2005 for 15-years and those allocated in 2013 for a seven-year period.
In light of the above, twelve (12) sectors are due for allocation in terms of section 18(6) of the MLRA in 2021 and these sectors are:
1. KZN Prawn Trawl
2. Demersal Shark
3. Tuna-Pole Line
4. Hake Handline
5. Traditional Linefish
6. White Mussels
7. Oysters
8. Squid
9. Small Pelagics (Pilchard and Anchovy)
10. Hake Deepsea Trawl
11. Hake Longline
12. South Coast Rock Lobster
Three (3) of the 12 sectors listed, are identified to be eligible as small-scale species and consultation is underway to declassify them. The Department will also be finalising the allocations of rights in the Abalone sector which could not be concluded in 2015.