Biodiversity management plans
The National Environmental Management Biodiversity Act (Act No. 10 of 2004) provides for the development of Biodiversity Management Plans for Species (BMPs).
To this effect, the department developed norms and standards for the development of BMPs which were gazetted in March 2009. The purpose of these norms and standards is to provide a national approach and minimum standards for the development of BMPs.
A BMPs can be developed by any person, organ of state desiring to contribute to the management of biodiversity in South Africa and achievement of the objectives of the Biodiversity Act. Additionally, a BMPs can be developed for any indigenous or migratory species.
The BMP aims to provide for the long-term survival of a species in the wild and to provide a platform for an implementing organisation or responsible entity as appointed by the Minister to monitor and report on the progress regarding the implementation of the BMP. The draft BMP must be submitted to the Minister for approval for public comments or the implementation thereof in terms of the Biodiversity Act.
- Biodiversity management plans published for comment
- Diceros bicornis (black rhino)
- Encephalartos latifrons (albany cycad)
- Pelargonium sidoides
- Biodiversity management plans published for implementation