Department to host inaugural Integrated Coastal Management Lekgotla
06 September 2019
The Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries will on Tuesday 10 September 2019, launch the inaugural Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) Lekgotla, in Cape Town. The two-day conference will focus on discussing critical coastal management issues and the delivery of priority projects linked to the National Coastal Management Programme.
The ICM Lekgotla is intended to bring key role-players together to discuss and deliberate on shared experiences relating to Governance and ICM in the country, with particular emphasis on science-based management, in the context of challenges and solutions to current and emerging issues that affect coastal management.
South Africa’s coastal zone is managed through the National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act (Act No. 24 of 2008) (ICM Act), which seeks to proactively manage multiple-use conflicts, pre-empt and plan for new uses, and protect vulnerable ecosystems and marine biodiversity.
ICM is a dynamic and continuous process designed to promote sustainable management of coastal zones and seeks, over the long-term, to balance the sustainability and economic development and human uses of the Coastal Zone. The Lekgotla will provide a platform for new and emerging ICM issues for discussion, decision-making, promote knowledge sharing and experiential learning amongst coastal practitioners, government officials and public leaders.
Members of the media are invited to attend the ICM Lekgotla as follows:
Date: 10 September 2019
Venue: The River Club, Liesbeek Avenue, Observatory Rd, Observatory Cape Town
Time: 09:00
To RSVP contact;
Siziphiwe Maxengana on / 012 814 8112
Tshego Letshwiti on / 076 307 9634
For media inquiries contact:
Zolile Nqayi
Cell: 082 898 6483