Deputy Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries visit the China-South Africa Agricultural Demonstration Centre and Bethulie fish farm in Free State
The Deputy Minister Soytu and various MEC's and Mayors in the Free State visit the China-South Africa Aquaculture Technology Demonstration Centre in Gariep today.
The Deputy Minister Soytu and various MEC's and Mayors in the Free State visit the China-South Africa Aquaculture Technology Demonstration Centre in Gariep today.
WOF Zastron team conducted fuel load reduction and removed alien plants.
Through DAFF Fisheries and FS DARD, 818 trainees were skilled by December 2016 and an additional 415 farmers, in-service trainees, interns & government officials have been trained to date since the Centre’s official handover to South Africa in 2017
Through DAFF Fisheries and FS DARD, 818 trainees were skilled by December 2016 and an additional 415 farmers, in-service trainees, interns & government officials have been trained to date since the Centre’s official handover to South Africa in 2017
It also aims to show the traditional farming practice in low external input and high output, help local farmers apply the technologies with their own hands thus helping create employment and combat poverty and hunger through supplying protein-rich food
The centre was established to increase awareness on opportunities aquaculture has, contribute towards the sustainable development of the aquaculture and fisheries sector in the province, country as well as offer service benefits to other SADC News countries
The centre was established to increase awareness on opportunities #aquaculture has, contribute towards the sustainable development of the aquaculture & fisheries sector in the province, country as well as offer service benefits to other SADC News countries
Deputy Minister Sotyu, FSDESTEA MEC Mr Makolo Mohale, MEC for Agriculture and Rural Development Mr Kwekwe Bulwane and Xhariep DM Mayor Ms Motshewa Sehanka h arrive and are tour the China-South Africa Aquaculture Technology Demonstration Center