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The DFFE announces timeframes for fishing rights allocation process as Cabinet notes and endorses progress of FRAP 2021

05 September 2021

Cabinet has noted the progress made in the achievement of major milestones in readiness for the 2021 Fishing Rights Allocation Process (FRAP) and the timeframes for the roll-out of rights to fishers.

The FRAP and the management of commercial fishing rights are an important site for industry transformation. Twelve sectors are due for re-allocation of fishing rights this year.

As part of the FRAP 2020/21 process, the department is reviewing the General Policy on the Allocation of Commercial Fishing rights; the 12 sector-specific policies; the Policy on the Transfer of Commercial Fishing Rights, and the Policy on Fish Processing Establishments (FPEs). The department will also be reviewing all fees for applications, licences and permits.

The timeframes include conducting socio-economic impact assessment studies which are being taken into account when reviewing policies and allocations to promote profitability, whilst optimising transformation and job creation.  It also includes the review of the General Policy on the Allocation and Management of Commercial Fishing Rights, the policy on the Allocation and Management of Rights to Operate Fish Processing Establishments and various sector-specific policies for the allocation and management of commercial fishing rights.

The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment had earlier revised the FRAP2020/21 project plan to meet the new deliverables and timeframes.

The progress made to date in the roll-out of the FRAP project has placed the department in a position to allocate fishing rights and meet the set deadline of the 31 December 2021, with appeals to be finalised in early 2022.

Timeframes for the roll-out of FRAP 2021 as endorsed by Cabinet are as follows:

Public consultations on policies, application forms and fees September 2021
Gazetting final policies, application forms and fees October/November 2021
Opening of application process October/November 2021
Closure of application process 30 November 2021
Assessment of applications December 2021
Announcement of final lists, together with the Addendum to the General Published Reasons (GPR) December 2021
Opening of the appeals process January 2022


The FRAP 2021 process is committed to allocating resources in a sustainable manner for future generations while also attempting to balance the competing requirements of broadening access, particularly by marginalised groups and small medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs), balancing government’s priorities of transforming the sector but also ensuring the global competitiveness of South Africa’s fishing sector.

The department also remains committed to ensuring the process is transparent and legally defensible.

For media enquiries please contact:

Zolile Nqayi: 082 898 6483


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