Deputy Minister to lead a Good Green Deeds campaign in Fetakgomo Tubatse local municipality, 26 August 2021
Before she meets with Thakadu Tša Naga Farmers Association, the Deputy Minister Makhotso Sotyu is paying a courtesy visit to the Bapedi Kingdom Queen Mother Manyaku Thulare in Mohlaletse Royal House
The Deputy Minister has committed to donate Eco-furniture to the Mohlaletse Royal House.
As part of her courtesy visit, the Deputy Minister was given Sepedi totem name, Mahlako to welcome her in the palace
The Queen Mother of Bapedi Kingdom, also plants a ceremonial tree in the palace
The Deputy Minister plants a ceremonial tree
After paying a courtesy visit to Bapedi Kingdom Queen Mother, the Deputy Minister has arrived in Mohlaletse Community Hall to attend to the needs of Thakadu Tša Naga Farmers Association
Mr Nkgoneng Phaala, the Secretary of Thakadu Tša Naga Farmers Association is on the podium to outline what the association is doing to develop their communities
The Deputy Minister is on the podium to listen to the needs of the community members and Thakadu Tša Naga Farmers Association. The DM is also emphasising the basic skills that needs to be acquired to make commercial farming a success