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Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries hosts youth capacity development workshop on biodiversity conservation

Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries hosts youth capacity development workshop on biodiversity conservation


24 June 2019 

The Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries is this week hosting a youth capacity development workshop on biodiversity conservation and environmental management at the Avianto Hotel in Midrand.

As the South African chapter of the Global Youth in Biodiversity Network (GYBN), the workshop is being hosted as the country celebrates Youth Month – a month in which attention by the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries is focussed on the role the youth play in environmental conservation and management, as well as the protection of biodiversity in South Africa, and worldwide.

As a result of the growing interest by youth in biodiversity conservation, the Global Youth in Biodiversity Network was established in line with the Convention on Biological Diversity as an initiative where youth can work together towards the common goal of preventing the loss of biodiversity.  

The GYBN at present comprises 280 youth organisations from 140 countries, representing more than 660 000 youth, all united with the single goal of preventing the loss of biodiversity and preserving Earth’s natural resources. 

As the official group for youth in the negotiations under the CBD, GYBN is committed to bringing the opinions and positions of young people into the political process; empowering young people to take action. Recognised and supported by the CBD Secretariat, GYBN seeks to inspire global youth and future leaders to work for the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity in order to ensure a healthy global environment and enduring societies.

The South African chapter of the GYBN was established following the 2017 hosting of an African regional chapter conference by South Africa.  

The first South African regional Youth Capacity Building workshop is being hosted from 24 to 27 June 2019 with the aim to strengthen the capacity of young leaders to take action in support of the National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs), and to contribute towards the achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets.  It is one of a series of workshops being held by the GYBN worldwide in preparation for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. 

The 75 youth participants will take part in team building, networking and training sessions in international biodiversity conservation policy, mobilisation, advocacy, campaign skills and project management to create or enhance existing projects that directly contribute to the Aichi Targets and the implementation of NBSAPs.  In 2020 the 15th CBD Conference of Parties will adopt a post-2020 global biodiversity framework as a stepping stone towards the 2050 Vision of “Living in harmony with nature”.

Youth from organisations such as Wild Oceans, People and Parks Programme and the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries’ Biodiversity and Conservation internship programme are participating in the workshop.


For media inquiries contact:
Albi Modise
Cell: 083 490 2871


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