To provide strategic direction and leadership to the department with regard to the promotion of the sustainable management, use and protection of forests and natural resources to achieve social and economic benefits and to promote development
The programme comprises three subprogrammes, namely: Forestry Operations; Forestry Development and Regulations; and Natural Resources Management.
- Forestry Operations: Ensures the sustainable management of state forests and assets (e.g. nurseries) in order to optimise social and economic benefits in rural areas and to promote sector growth in the nine provinces of South Africa.
- Forestry Development and Regulations: Provides leadership, advice and direction in the formulation of forestry development and regulation policies, strategies and frameworks and ensures the effective promotion and development of small-scale and commercial forestry.
- Natural Resources Management: Facilitates the development of infrastructure and the sustainable use of natural resources through an enabling framework for the sustainable management of woodlands and indigenous forests, the efficient development and revitalisation of irrigation schemes and water use. The subprogramme facilitates climate change mitigation and adaptation, risk and disaster management, as well as promotes, regulates and coordinates the sustainable use of natural resources (land and water).
- Ensure increased production and productivity in prioritised areas as well as value chains.
- Lead and coordinate government food security initiatives.
- Ensure the conservation, protection, rehabilitation and recovery of depleted and degraded natural resources.
- Ensure adaptation and mitigation to climate change through effective implementation of prescribed frameworks.