• A special bulletin for anyone who is setting up or helping an fire protection association (FPA). It is available in English and Afrikaans, and has information and guidelines about a host of issues you need to know if you are starting or in an FPA.
• To help increase public awareness of just a few of the 2,000 indigenous tree species in South Africa, every Arbor Week celebration will highlight two specific trees; one common and one rare species. In the list below the more common tree is named first.
• In terms of the National Forests Act of 1998 certain tree species (types of trees) can be identified and declared as protected. Protective actions take place within the framework of the Act as well as national policy and guidelines. Trees are protected for a variety of reasons, and some species require strict protection while others require control over harvesting and utilisation.
South Africa is blessed with a rich heritage of trees. The Champion Tree Project is aimed at identifying and protecting individual trees of national conservation importance under the National Forests Act of 1998. Trees can be nominated on the basis of their size, age, aesthetic value, cultural-historic value or importance for tourism.