Woodlands and indigenous forest management
- A collation and overview of research information on acacia erioloba (camelthorn) and identification of relevant research gaps to inform protection of the species, 31 August 2003. [PDF 260 kb]
- Assessment of the livelihoods importance of forestry, forests and forest products in South Africa, September 2004. [PDF 313.8 kb]
- Baseline study on woodlands in South Africa, 2002, February 01. [PDF - 353.15 kb]
- A collation and overview of research Information on boscia albitrunca (shepherd’s tree) and identification of relevant research gaps to inform protection of the species, 18 August 2003. [PDF - 93.3 kb]
- Do we understand the causes of bush encroachment in African savannahs' ? 24 January 2005. [PDF - 243.69 kb]
- Classification system for South African indigenous forests, April 2003. [PDF - 15.04 mb]
- A collation and overview of research information on combretum imberbe warwa (combretaceae) and identification of relevant research gaps to inform protection of the species, 06 August 2003. [PDF - 119 kb]
- Outline of woodlands types. [PDF - 20.2 kb]
- Declared list of champion trees, November 2012. [PDF - 294 KB]
Small scale forestry
- Briefing 1: Trade in large or small scale saw milling in South Africa, January 2005. [PDF - 383 kb]
- Briefing 2: Manufactured timber products, January 2005. [PDF - 354 kb]
- Briefing 4: The timber pole market, January 2005. [PDF - 370 kb]
- Briefing 5: Trade in medicinal plants, January 2005. [PDF - 399 kb]
- Briefing 6: Trade in Forest ferns and foliage. Forestry sub-sector studies, January 2005. [PDF - 477 kb]
- Briefing 7: Processing and trade in indigenous fruits, January 2005. [PDF - 488 kb]
- Briefing 8: Trade in boletus mushrooms, January 2005. [PDF - 367 kb]
- Briefing 9: The honey trade. Forestry sub-sector studies, January 2005. [PDF - 357 kb]
- Forestry transportation requirements plan, July 2017. [PDF - 21.44 mb]
- Eastern Cape forestry sector profile, June 2008. [PDF 710.46 kb]
- Key issues paper on forestry enterprise development, January 2005. [PDF - 274.03 kb]
- Case studies in South Africa: participatory forest management, September 2005. [PDF - 10.24 mb]
- South African forest industry market analysis, 29 June 2005. PDF - 631.72 kb]
- The development of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) report for the zone of afforestation potential in the Eastern Cape: scoping report, 30 June 2005. [PDF - 3.45 mb]
- Draft: The development of strategic environmental assessment report of afforestation in water management area 12, covering northern and eastern parts of the Eastern Cape Province, 29 August 2005. [PDF - 11.28 mb]
Forestry regulation and oversight
- Study of supply and demand of industrial round wood in South Africa; a sub-sectroal analysis
- Statistics report: Commercial timber resources and primary round wood processing in South Africa.
- 2018/2019 [PDF - 1.44 mb]
- 2017/2018 [PDF - 1.44 mb]
- 2016/2017 [PDF - 1.43 mb]
- 2015/2016 [PDF - 1.4 mb]
- 2014/2015 [PDF - 463.72 kb]
- 2013/2014 [PDF - 464.01 kb]
- 2012/2013 [PDF - 467.13 kb]
- 2011/2012 [PDF - 516.27 kb]
- 2008/2009 [PDF - 327 kb]
- 2007/2008 [PDF - 382 kb]
- 2005/2006 [PDF - 786.9 kb]
- 2004/2005 [PDF - 582.83 kb]
- 2003/2004 [PDF - 367.09 kb]
- 2002/2003 [PDF - 1.45 mb]
- 2001/2002 [PDF - 851.74 kb]
- 2000/2001 [PDF - 782.67 kb]
- National veldfire risk assessment: analysis of exposure of social, economic and environmental assets to veldfire hazards in South Africa, March 2010. [PDF - 5.59 mb]
- Appendices [PDF - 576.22 kb]
- Draft key issue paper on forestry and poverty in South Africa, June 2005. [PDF - 510.55 kb]
- Draft discussion document. Protected area system planning for indigenous forests of South Africa: policy, core issues, objectives and targets, September 2005. [PDF - 58.76 kb]
- Assessment of the Gauteng firewood market and the origin of protected tree firewood products sold, 21 September 2007. [PDF - 989.11 kb]
- Part I: The contribution, costs and development opportunities of the forestry, timber, pulp and paper industries in South Africa, 29 June 2005. [PDF - 1.02 mb]
- Trends in the incidence of poverty in district municipalities with significant areas of forests and plantations, 30 September 2005. [PDF - 200.42 kb]
- A review of the veld fires in the Western Cape during 15 to 25 January 2000: toward improved veldfire management in South Africa. Report to the minister, 30 September 2005. [PDF - 857.49]
Commercial forestry
- Supply and demand study of softwood sawlog and sawn timber in South Africa, 05 April 2005. [PDF - 2.63 mb]
- Key issue paper for a policy on transfers of state owned industrial plantations, 04 February 2005. [PDF - 1.33 kb]