Operation Phakisa - Oceans Economy
Operation Phakisa is a results-driven approach, involving setting clear plans and targets, on-going monitoring of progress and making these results public. The methodology consists of eight sequential steps. It focusses on bringing key stakeholders from the public and private sectors, academia as well as civil society organisations together to collaborate in:
- detailed problem analysis;
- priority setting;
- intervention planning; and
- delivery
SA Agulhas II
S. A. Agulhas II is a South African icebreaking polar supply and research ship owned by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE). She was built in 2012 by STX Finland in Rauma, Finland, to replace the aging S.A. Agulhas, which was retired from SANAP duty, but is fullfilling a training role with SAMSA since 2012. Unlike her predecessor, S. A. Agulhas II was designed from the beginning to carry out both scientific research and supply South African research stations in the Antarctic.
Allocation process for boat-based whale watching and white shark cage diving operating permits
Boat-Based Whale and Dolphin Watching (BBWW) is the observing of whales and dolphins behaviour in their natural environment from sea-going vessels, while White Shark Cage Diving (WSCD) involves observing free swimming Great White Sharks from vessels and/or from within a protective cage that is submerged in water. Both BBWW and WSCD have grown from adhoc activities to regulated commercial operations contributing to coastal and marine tourism.
Cape Canyon Science Expedition
A DFFE team of scientists returned on the 28 March 2018 from a four-week long expedition to explore some undocumented areas of the seafloor off the West Coast. The seafloor has long been a mystery to humans, being as it is, covered by hundreds of metres (and sometimes kilometres) of water.
Weddel Sea Expedition
16 April 2018 - The University of Cape Town’s Dr Sarah Fawcett was interviewed on the Azania Mosaka show on Radio 702.
Dr Fawcett spoke about SA’s research partnerships in Antarctica and spoke about the excellent work being done by DFFE through the SA Agulhas II.
Follow the link to listen to the interview.
» South Africa to play key role in unprecedented international scientific expedition.