11 December 2020 |
National Forest Act (84/1998): Declaration of the Grey Dell and Fort Grey Forests Areas as a Natural Forest under section 7 (2) of the act [G 43992 – GoN 1339] |
11 December 2020 |
National Forest Act (84/1998): Declaration of the Grey Dell and Fort Grey Forests areas as a controlled forest area under section 17(2) and 7(2) [G 43992 – GoN 1340] |
11 December 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act no. 10 of 2004): National Botanical Garden Expansion strategy 2019- 2030 [G 43981– GoN706] |
11 December 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act no. 10 of 2004): Notice of intent to declare the Thohoyandou National Botanical Garden [G 43981– GoN705] |
07 December 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (10/2004): non-detriment findings.[G 43971– GoN1295] |
04 December 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004 (Act no. 39 of 2004): Draft methodological guidelines for quantification of greenhouse gas emissions - carbon sequestration in the forestry industry to support the implementation of the Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting Regulations, 2016 for public comment [G 43962 - GoN 1283] |
27 November 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act (107/1998): Consultation on the proposed amendment to chapter 2 and chapter 5 of the Integrated Environmental Management Plan for phase 4 of the square kilometre array and proposed amendment to the conditions of exclusion [G 43944 – GoN 1271] |
13 November 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act (107/1998): Consultation on proposed amendments to the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations [G 43904 – GoN 1224] |
05 November 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Waste Act (59/2008): Extended producer responsibility scheme for paper, packaging and some single use products [G 43882 – GoN 1187] |
05 November 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Waste Act (59/2008): Extended producer responsibility scheme for the lighting sector [G 43881 – GoN 1186] |
05 November 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Waste Act (59/2008): Extended producer responsibility scheme for the electrical and electronic equipment sector [G 43880 – GoN 1185] |
05 November 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Waste Act (59/2008): Regulations regarding extended producer responsibility [G 43879 – GoN 1184] |
30 October 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998): Procedures for the assessment and minimum criteria for reporting on identified environmental themes when applying for environmental authorisation [G 43855 – GoN 1150] |
26 October 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act No.59 of 2008): Notice of intention to take a decision on applications for the exclusion of a waste stream or a portion of such a waste stream for beneficial use from the definition of waste [G 43847 GoN 1145] |
23 October 2020 |
Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act No. 18 of 1998): Invitation to comment on the proposed reclassification of the white mussel, oyster and hake handline fishing sectors as small-scale fishing species [G 43834 – GoN 1130] |
23 October 2020 |
Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act n0.18 of 1998): Invitation to comment on the proposed resource split between local commercial and small-scale fishing in the traditional linefish, squid and abalone fishing sectors [G 43834 – GoN 1129] |
22 October 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004 (act no.39 of 2004): submission of "subsequent pollution prevention plans" under the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004 (Act no. 39 of 2004) [G 43827 – GoN 580] |
19 October 2020 |
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC): Correction notice for incorrect publication of notice 546 of 2020 for draft Biennial Update Report-3 for the Republic of South Africa in the National Government Gazette 43784 09 -10 [G 3823 – GoN 1103] |
16 October 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act no. 10 of 2004): Extension of commencement date of the alien and invasive species lists, 2020 and the alien and invasive species regulations, 2020 [G 43818 - GoN 1100] |
13 October 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998): Consultation on draft Regulations to Domesticate Requirements of Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade [G 43802 – GoN 1088] |
30 September 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act (107/1998): Consultation on the intention to publish draft regulations to prohibit the production, distribution, import, export, sale and use of persistent organic pollutants [G 43747 – GoN 1026] |
29 September 2020 |
National Forest Act (84/1998): Extension of time period to comment on the draft notices to declare the Grey Dell and Forests areas as natural forest and controlled forest areas under sections 7(2) and 17(2) of the Act. MAPS INCLUDED [G 43742 – GoN 1023] |
25 September 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004): Alien and Invasive Species Regulations [G 43735 – GoN 1020] |
18 September 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004): Alien and invasive species lists, 2020 [G 43726 – GoN 1003] |
11 September 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004 (Act No. 39 of 2004): Amendments to the National Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting Regulations, 2016 [G 43712 GoN 994] |
11 September 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (39/2004): 7th draft of the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report for the Republic of South Africa for public comment [G 43706 - GoN 989] |
10 September 2020 |
National Forest Act (84/1998): Consultation on intention to declare the Grey Dell and Fort Grey Forests Areas as natural forest under section 7(2) of the Act [G 43700 – GoN 973] |
10 September 2020 |
National Forest Act (84/1998): Consultation on the intention to declare the Grey Dell and Fort Grey Forests Areas a controlled forest area under section 17(2) of the Act [G 43699 – GoN 972] |
24 August 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (10/2004): Amendments to appendices I and II of the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) [G 43643 – GoN 919] |
24 August 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (39/2004): Consultation on draft technical guidelines for validation and verification of greenhouse gas emissions [G 43644 – GoN 920] |
21 August 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act 107/1998): Amendment of section 24h Registration Authority Regulations, 2016 [ G 43632 – GoN 906] |
17 August 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act 57/2003): Draft amendments to the regulations for the management of the Aliwal Shoal Marine Protected Area [G 43618 - GoN 890] |
07 August 2020 |
Disaster Management Act (57/2002): Amendment of directions regarding measures to address, prevent and combat spread of Covid-19 relating to biodiversity sector [G 43602 - GoN 870] |
07 August 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act (107/1998): Amendments to Plastic Carrier Bags and Plastic Flat Bags Regulations of 2003 for comment [G 43601 - GoN 869] |
07 August 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (39/2004): Consultation on intention to declare certain printing industry activities as controlled emitters and establishment of emission standards [G 43591 - GoN 855] |
07 August 2020 |
Antarctic Treaties Act, 1996 (60/1996): Draft Antarctic Treaties Regulations for comment [G 43591 - GoN 854] |
31 July 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act 1998 (Act no 107 of 1998): consultation on adoption of a generic environmental management programme (EMPr) for the management and mitigation of environmental impacts resulting from the implementation of LandCare projects and the exclusion of these projects from the requirement to obtain an environmental authorisation [G 43571 – GoN 838] |
31 July 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act 1998 (Act no 107 of 1998): consultation on adoption of a generic environmental management programme (EMPr) for the management and mitigation of environmental impacts resulting from the implementation of Working for Wetlands projects and the exclusion of these projects from the requirement to obtain an environmental authorisation [G 43571 – GoN 833] |
31 July 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act 1998 (Act no 107 of 1998): Consultation on the intention to identify the procedures to be followed when applying for or deciding on an environmental authorisation application for the development of electricity transmission and distribution infrastructure when occurring in renewable energy development zones [G 43571 – GoN 840] |
31 July 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act 1998 (Act no 107 of 1998): Consultation on intention to adopt a standard for the development of electricity transmission and distribution infrastructure within identified geographical areas and the exclusion of this infrastructure from the requirement to obtain an environmental authorisation [G 43571 – GoN 835] |
31 July 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act 1998 (Act no 107 of 1998): consultation on adoption of a generic environmental management programme (EMPr) for the management and mitigation of environmental impacts resulting from the implementation of Working for Ecosystems projects and the exclusion of these projects from the requirement to obtain an environmental authorisation [G 43571 – GoN 839] |
31 July 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act 1998 (Act no 107 of 1998): consultation on adoption of a generic environmental management programme (EMPr) for the management and mitigation of environmental impacts resulting from the implementation of Working for Water projects and the exclusion of these projects from the requirement to obtain an environmental authorisation [G 43571 – GoN 837] |
31 July 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act 1998 (Act no 107 of 1998): Consultation on the intention to identify procedure to be followed when applying for or deciding on an environmental authorisation for large scale wind and solar photovoltaic facilities, when occurring in renewable energy development zones [G 43571 – GoN 841] |
31 July 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act 1998 (Act no 107 of 1998): Consultation on the intention to identify procedure to be followed when applying for or deciding on an environmental authorisation for the development of expansion of gas transmission pipeline infrastructure when occurring in strategic gas pipeline corridors [G 43571 – GoN 836] |
31 July 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act 1998 (Act no 107 of 1998): Consultation on the intention to adopt generic environmental management programme (EMPr) relevant to an application for environmental authorisation for the development of expansion of gas transmission pipeline infrastructure [G 43571 – GoN 834] |
28 July 2020 |
Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002): Amendment of directions regarding measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of Covid19 relating to the biodiversity sector [43564 - GoN 822] |
28 July 2020 |
World Heritage Convention Act.1999 (Act no. 49 of 1990): iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority: Appointment of members of the board [G 43556 - GoN 821] |
28 July 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act No.59 of 2008): Extension of time to comment on the proposed extended producer responsibility scheme for the lighting sector [G 43556 - GoN 820] |
28 July 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act No.59 of 2008): Extension of time to comment on the proposed extended producer responsibility scheme for paper, packaging and some single use products [G 43556 - GoN 819] |
28 July 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act No. 59 of 2008): Extension of time to comment on the proposed extended producer responsibility scheme for the electrical and electronic equipment sector [G 43556 - GoN 818] |
28 July 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act No.59 of 2008): Extension of time to comment on the draft regulations regarding extended producer responsibility [G 43556 - GoN 817] |
27 July 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998): Notification regarding opportunity to participate in the Eskom Medupi and Matmiba coal-fired power stations application for alternative limits in terms of the minimum emission standards [G 43552 – NGO 394] |
24 July 2020 |
Antarctic Treaties Act, 1996 (Act No. 60 of 1996): Consultation on the draft Antarctic and Southern Ocean Strategy [G 43542 - GoN 804] |
17 July 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No. 57 of 2003): Correction notice amending the regulations for the management of the agulhas front marine protected area [G 43534 - GoN 797] |
17 July 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No. 57 of 2003): Correction notice amending the notice declaring the agulhas front marine protected area in terms of section 22A of the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No. 57 of 2003) [G 43528 – GoN 781] |
17 July 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998): Consultation on the intention to identify geographical areas of strategic importance for the development of large scale wind and solar photovoltaic energy facilities [G 43528 – GoN 786] |
17 July 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998): Consultation on the identification of geographical areas of strategic importance for the development of electricity transmission and distribution infrastructure and to repeal Government Notice 113, published under Government Gazette 41445 of 16 February 2018 [G 43528 – GoN 787] |
17 July 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998): Consultation on the intention to amend the procedures to be followed in applying for or deciding on an environmental authorisation application for large scale wind and solar photovoltaic renewable energy development activities when occurring in renewable energy development zones [G 43528 – GoN 785] |
17 July 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998): Consultation on the intention to identify geographical areas important for the development of strategic gas transmission pipeline infrastructure [G 43528 – GoN 788] |
26 June 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act, 2008 (Act No. 24 of 2008): Draft amendments to the national National Estuarine Management Protocol [G 43474 – GoN 705] |
26 June 2020 |
Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act no. 18 of 1998): Commencement of the 2020/21 fishing rights allocation process (FRAP2020/21) for the granting of commercial fishing rights in terms of section 18 of the act. [G 43477 - GoN 715] |
26 June 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Waste Act (59/2008): Consultation on the proposed extended producer responsibility scheme for paper, packaging and some single use products [G 43482 – GoN 719] |
26 June 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Waste Act (59/2008): Consultation on the proposed regulations regarding extended producer responsibility [G 43481 – GoN 718] |
26 June 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Waste Act (59/2008): Consultation on the proposed extended producer responsibility scheme for the lighting sector [G 43480 – GoN 717] |
26 June 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Waste Act (59/2008): consultation on the proposed extended producer responsibility scheme for the electrical and electronic equipment sector [G 43483 – GoN 720] |
26 June 2020 |
Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act No. 18 of 1998): Invitation to comment on an application to conduct sea-based abalone ranching in the area between Doring Bay and Strandfontein Bay, Western Cape and to invite other interested parties to express an interest in applying to conduct abalone ranching in this area [G 43474 – GoN 704] |
26 June 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act, 2008 (Act No. 24 of 2008): Draft amendments to the national estuarine management protocol [G 43474 – GoN 705] |
05 June 2020 |
Disaster Management Act (Act no. 57 of 2002): Directions for alert level 3 regarding measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 relating to the forestry sector [G 43411 – GoN 649] |
05 June 2020 |
Disaster Management Act (Act no. 57 of 2002): Directions for alert level 3 regarding measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 relating to the freshwater and marine fishing sectors [G 43410 – GoN 648] |
05 June 2020 |
Disaster Management Act (Act no. 57 of 2002): Directions for alert level 3 regarding measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 relating to national environmental management permits and licences [G 43412 – GoN 650] |
05 June 2020 |
Disaster Management Act (Act no. 57 of 2002): Directions for alert level 3 regarding measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 relating to the biodiversity sector [G 43409 – GoN 647] |
03 June 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (10/2004): Amendment of the alien and invasive species list and list of critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable and protected species [G 43386 - GoN 627] |
03 June 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (10/2004): Notice prohibiting the carrying out of certain restricted activities involving rhinoceros horn [G 43386 – GoN 625] |
15 May 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998): General notice extending the date for the submission of written submissions, scientific information, socio-economic information or any other relevant information to the Advisory Committee (High-Level Panel) on matters related to the management and handling, breeding, hunting and trade of elephant, lion, leopard and rhinoceros [G 43332 - GN 277] |
14 May 2020 |
Disaster Management Act (57/2002): directions regarding measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in relation to recycling of waste sectors [G 43324 - GN 539] |
14 May 2020 |
Disaster Management Act (57/2002): Directions regarding measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19, in particular relating to the freshwater and marine fishing sectors [G 43324 - GN 538] |
14 May 2020 |
Disaster Management Act (57/2002): Directions regarding measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 relating to the biodiversity sector [G 43323 – GoN 537] |
27 March 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 OF 2104): A general notice calling for submissions, scientific information, socio-economic information or any other relevant information to the Advisory Committee (high level panel) appointed to review existing polices, legislation and practices relating to the management and handling, breeding, hunting and trade of elephant, lion, leopard and rhinoceros [G 43173 – GN 221] |
20 March 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No. 57 of 2003): Draft amendments to certain regulations governing various marine protected areas. |
20 March 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act no. 107 of 1998): Procedures for the assessment and minimum criteria for reporting on identified environmental themes in terms of sections 24(5)(a) and (h) and 44 of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998, when applying for environmental authorisation [G 43110 – GN 320] |
18 March 2020 |
National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act, 2008 (Act No. 24 OF 2001): Draft amendments to the National Estuarine Management Protocol. |
25 February 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act (107 of 1998): Extension of time to comment on the draft procedures to be followed for the assessment and minimum criteria for reporting on identified environmental themes when applying for environmental authorisation [G 43046 – GoN 199]. |
17 January 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 Of 1998): Amendment to Financial Provision Regulations, 2015 [G 42956 – GN 24] |
10 January 2020 |
National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 Of 1998): Procedures to be followed for the assessment and minimum criteria for reporting of identified environmental themes in terms of section 24(5)(a) and (h) of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998, when applying for environmental authorisation [G 42946 – GN 9] |